HomeSchool News10 organizing and time management tips

10 organizing and time management tips

Being a high schooler is hard enough on its own. The addition of being disorganized just contributes to the already stressful life of Chapel Hill students. Professional organizer and owner of Neat Freak, a local organizing company, Perri Kersh provided Proconian with ten quick tips to help Chapel Hill High School students stay organized.

I am a rule follower. Always have been, always will be. And when life gets busy, I really like having a few rules to live by. It keeps me from having to think too much or have internal debates about right and wrong. Here are a few of my favorite go-to organizing rules to live by. Learn them. Know them. Live them.

  1. Buy quality over quantity. There really can be too much of a not-so-good thing.
  2. If it makes you feel sad, guilty or angry, do not hold on to it! This applies to objects, tasks and people.
  3. Make your bed. Yep, that’s right—I sound like your mom but just do it. It will take your room from disaster area to not-so-bad in three minutes or less.
  4. Give it a home. If it doesn’t have a home, it will always be out of place.
  5. When in doubt, just say “no.” Trust me, it will save you a whole lotta headaches.
  6. If it has been broken for over a year and you don’t know how to fix it, get rid of it.
  7. If it will take 5 minutes or less, just do it now. I mean it, get up right now and do it.
  8. Finish the job. Leaving things only 80% done offers very little satisfaction.
  9. You always have more time at night than you have in the morning. Always.
  10. If you love it and want to keep it, then honor it. The floor, the bottom of your backpack, or the trunk of your car is not a place of honor. Take care of the things you treasure most.


"><a href="" rel="tag">Grace Newton</a>
I am co-editor-in-chief of Proconian.

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