HomeSchool NewsEnglish department gains new teacher from district's Virtual Learning Academy

English department gains new teacher from district’s Virtual Learning Academy

Former UNC professor Andrew Lallier has joined Chapel Hill High School’s English department for the 2025-26 school year. 

Lallier joins the faculty from the district’s Virtual Learning Academy. “I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to work here at CHHS and have found my department to be really helpful in transitioning back to in-person teaching and adapting to a new environment,” he said. 

A Triangle native, Lallier studied and eventually taught at UNC-Chapel Hill, focusing on British, American and global literature. 

Lallier first taught high school students at Carolina Friends school before taking a position at the Virtual Learning Academy and now taking on his in-person post at Chapel Hill High School. 

“The last school I I worked for in the district was closing down,” Lallier explained. “I visited [Chapel Hill High School’s] campus and was impressed with the range of opportunities, the murals and signs of community.”

Lallier currently teaches standard and honors English 10 and 11 classes. 

Sophomore Catarina Bapat is in his English 10 honors class. “Dr Lallier is a very nice and understanding teacher,” she said. “We spend quality time on writing, daily warm ups and analyzing texts. Most of the work is done in class, which is nice; he does not assign much homework, and we do grammar every Friday.” 

Sophomore Melody Ahn is also in Lallier’s English 10 honors class and appreciates his teaching style. “I think Dr. Lallier is a one-of-a-kind teacher,” she said. “I’ve never had a teacher like him before. He teaches with a kind of excitement and eagerness that is very hard to find in other teachers.”

Lallier said he finds his new role satisfying. “There is a great deal of learning and growth that happens to people in their teens, and I’m glad for the chance to try tossing some texts to those finding their way in the midst of the madness,” he said.




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